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SCOM Talk Show EP22: Mr Lo Bing-chung

“When we are about to say goodbye to the world, we will think of the meaning of life. Are there any regrets? Have I made any achievements? It would be quite sad if we leave with regrets. Therefore, don’t waste time. Spend time on what you are truly interested in. Give a better meaning to your life.”

Whenever there is a PR crisis, there is an occasion for public relations talents to show their intelligence and splendid diplomatic skills. We are honoured to have Mr Lo Bing-chung, a media veteran with over 30 years of professional PR experience and the Founder of Brothers & Sisters In Christ Foundation, share how he handled crises over the years with his expertise in the PR area. After retiring from the industry, he has set up a self-funded charity that realises the wishes of late-stage patients to experience the lesson of life. Check out Mr Lo’s story now!