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Results Announcement of the 7th Business Journalism Awards of the HSUHK Recognising Outstanding Business Journalists

To recognise professional journalists who have contributed to the society and the industry by producing outstanding reporting in business, economic and financial issues, The School of Communication (SCOM) of The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK) held the 7th Business Journalism Awards Presentation Ceremony on 27 April, which was officiated by Mr. Michael Wong Wai-lun, Deputy Financial Secretary of the HKSAR Government.

With over 30 prizes for business journalists, the Awards were divided into nine categories and covered various fields of business and financial news, including the newly added ‘Greater Bay Area Business News’ Award. The winning entries were selected by 60 professional judges across different fields based on news value and impact, originality and exclusivity, reportorial quality, storytelling and writing skills, analytical value and visual impact.

Speaking at the presentation ceremony, Mr. Michael Wong said that with the growing popularity of reading news on the Internet, the demand for content is increasing. Business and financial news reporting provides necessary information to the public alongside well-written news pieces with in-depth analysis, which is particularly valuable. In his speech, Mr. Wong also described the media industry as a good training ground for business journalists to surely have a bright future.

Professor Simon Ho, President of HSUHK, congratulated all winners for their outstanding business reporting, noting “In the past three years, despite the impact of the pandemic on the society and the economy, these journalists have remained professional, and provided accurate, in-depth and diversified information and analyses to the public. They have taken upon themselves the responsibility to report with truth and objectivity, and this is commendable. These award-winning journalists also serve as role models for HSUHK’s faculty staff and students as well as other aspiring peers.”

Professor Scarlet Tso, Dean of SCOM at HSUHK, was delighted that this year’s award ceremony was the first physical ceremony subsequent to the pandemic, saying “The entries we have received were diverse, kept a close tab on the pulse of society, of the same high standard, and demonstrated professionalism and ethics of the business journalists. With the rapid development of the Greater Bay Area in recent years, the first ‘Best Greater Bay Area Business News Reporting’ was awarded in the 7th Awards. SCOM has also organised more study tours and arranged more internships for students to better understand and seize the opportunities in the Greater Bay Area.” She also thanked different sectors of the community for their generous support over the past seven years that HSUHK has held the Awards and expressed gratitude to the judges for taking the time to evaluate all entries.

The award-winning organisations include: TVB, Now TV, Phoenix TV, Radio Television Hong Kong, HK01, South China Morning Post, iMoney Magazine, Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly, Ming Pao, Sing Tao Daily, Ta Kung Pao, China Daily Hong Kong, Hong Kong Commercial Daily, and WuChatProp.

The ‘Young Business Reporter of the Year’ was awarded to Huang Wenqi of HK01, and the ‘Business Reporter of the Year’ was awarded to Lam Ka-sing of the South China Morning Post. Other awards include ‘Best Business News Reporting’, ‘Best Business News Series Reporting’, ‘Best Property Market News Reporting’, ‘Best Business & Finance Profile Interview’, ‘Best Economic & Financial Policy News Reporting’, ‘Best Business Technology News Reporting’, and ‘Best Greater Bay Area Business News Reporting’.


Website of the 7th Business Journalism Awards



Award List: Please refer to Appendix I


Panel of Judges




Group photo of the senior management, members of Board of Governors and Council of HSUHK, awardees of the 7th Business Journalism Awards, and sponsors


Huang Wenqi of HK01 wins the Young Business Reporter of the Year


The Business Reporter of the Year is awarded to Lam Ka-sing of the South China Morning Post



Appendix 1: Award List of The 7th Business Journalism Awards

Award Categories



Awards Winners, Organisations and Awarding Entries

A. Best Business News Reporting


Gold Award

《兩餸飯 闖中環 敲響三大經濟警號》

Awardee: LEE Yun Yan

Organisation: Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly

Silver Award

《HKEX to offer high-integrity carbon trading》

Awardee: CHAN Wai Kit Oswald

Organisation: China Daily Hong Kong

Video and Audio

Gold Award


Awardee: YUEN Yuen Yuk

 Organisation: TVB

Silver Award


Awardee: HO Lap Yin

Organisation: Radio Television Hong Kong

B. Best Business News Series Reporting


Gold Award


Awardees: MARK Chun Wai, LI Chang Hong, LI Yiu Wah Danny

Organisation: Ta Kung Pao

Silver Award

《揭 ESG 經濟圈亂象系列》

Awardees: LAM Ka Hei, CHAU Hoi Tong

Organisation: Sing Tao Daily

Silver Award


Awardee: YANG Yingwei

Organisation: HK01

Video and Audio

Gold Award

《【理財有方】 舊事新意系列》

Awardees: WONG Ho Lam, LIU Ka Chun Joseph, YAU Lai Yi
Organisation: Now TV

Silver Award

《睿峰按揭呼吸 Plan 走數!大量買家恐撻 訂,賣方有否賠償責任?》

Awardees: WU Kwok Wai, HO Wai Yan, CHAN Tik Lun, SHEK Lai Ho

Organisation: WuChatProp

Silver Award


Awardee: LO Yuk Man

Organisation: TVB

C. Best Property

Market News



Gold Award

《斷供潮席捲全國 埋下「次貸」炸彈》

Awardee: WONG Oi Kam

Organisation: Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly

Silver Award

《Restaurants filling the empty retail landscape》

Awardee: LAM Ka Sing

Organisation: South China Morning Post

Video and Audio

Gold Award


Awardee: LAM Cheuk Leung

Organisation: TVB

Silver Award


Awardee: LEE Ka Man

Organisation: Now TV

D. Best Business

& Finance Profile



Gold Award

《香港大數據先行者車品覺 由 band5 學生 踏上創科之路》

Awardee: CHAN Wing Yin

Organisation: iMoney Magazine

Silver Award

《改革派築金融夢 李小加寄語香港主動開 創未來》

Awardee: YANG Yingwei

Organisation: HK01

Video and Audio

Gold Award

《回應大鱷沽空港元 陳茂波:聯繫匯率行 之有效 無意檢討》

Awardee: JIN Xiaofei

Organisation: Phoenix TV

Silver Award


Awardee: LAW Hiu Hei

Organisation: Now TV

E. Best Economic

& Financial Policy

News Reporting


Gold Award

《中國經濟極低增長 構成全球四大風險》 Awardee: WONG Oi Kam

Organisation: Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly

Silver Award

《助力人民幣國際化 升級國際金融新中心》

Awardee: YANG Yingwei

Organisation: HK01

Video and Audio

Gold Award

《Money Matters: Zero COVID, Zero Growth?》

Awardee: Zela CHIN

Organisation: TVB

Silver Award


Awardee: LI Chun Sing Kevin

Organisation: Radio Television Hong Kong

F. Best Business

Technology News



Gold Award

《TikTok 經濟崛起 三招撼贏西方大台》

Awardee: KWOK Hin Tung

Organisation: Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly

Silver Award

《NFT 版權無王管 實測上載《明報》毋須證明》

Awardee: CHOI Wing Lam Winnie

Organisation: Ming Pao

Silver Award

《Metaverse and NFTs: from Gucci to Starbucks, luxury and consumer brands rush into the virtual world for their pots of gold》

Awardee: Iris OUYANG

Organisation: South China Morning Post

Video and Audio

Gold Award


Awardee: YUEN Hiu Chung

Organisation: TVB

Silver Award


Awardee: KO Yuk Ting

Organisation: TVB

G. Best Greater Bay Area Business News Reporting


Gold Award

《Qianhai spruces up》

Awardee: CHAI Hua

Organisation: China Daily Hong Kong

Silver Award

《以色列駐港總領事藍天銘談「融通大灣 區」冀灣區合力提供一站式服務》

Awardees: WU Yan, WONG Shao Kei, HUNG Ka Hei

Organisation: Hong Kong Commercial Daily

Silver Award

《深圳經濟起飛 港人由收租轉長居》

Awardee: MAO Li Juan

Organisation: Ta Kung Pao

Video and Audio

Gold Award

《競逐芯戰略 港專家:大灣區是外商來港 金字招牌》

Awardee: WANG Jinlu

Organisation: Phoenix TV

Silver Award


Awardee: LAU Ho Yung

Organisation: TVB

H. Young Business Reporter of the Year

Awardee: HUANG Wen Qi

Organisation: HK01

I. Business Reporter of the Year

Awardee: LAM Ka Sing

Organisation: South China Morning Post