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New Student Orientation 2024/25 Organised by the School of Communication

As the new school year approaches, the School of Communication (SCOM) organised two New Student Orientation sessions themed “We Are Different!” on 20 and 22 August 2024 respectively for new senior-year students and new Year 1 students who were to begin their studies at the School in 2024/25.

Professor Scarlet Tso, Dean of the School of Communication, delivered a warm welcome speech to the new students. She introduced the uniqueness of the programmes offered by the School and emphasised that the programmes at SCOM are both comprehensive and contemporary, which are designed to provide students with diverse learning opportunities that would equip them well for their future careers. This year, the School also launched the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Arts and Culture Communication programme, being the first undergraduate programme in Hong Kong that integrates communication, art, and cultural elements into a four-year curriculum, to cater for the strong demand for communication professionals from the arts and culture industries. When concluding her welcome remark, Professor Tso encouraged the new students to make full use of the School’s resources to enjoy their campus life to the fullest.

During the event, Programme Directors explained the programme curricula, academic regulations, the internship programme, and graduation requirements to the new students, hopping that the clearly articulated important information would help them plan their learning journeys better at the start. To enhance the new comers’ understanding of the academic and campus life at the School, several senior students were invited to share their experience and offer their practical tips. After the sharing session, the student participants all came out to post their expectations about their campus life on the Life Tree.

Lastly, new students were led to explore the facilities of the School, which they would use in the coming days.

The event did not only deepen new undergraduate students’ understanding of the School of Communication but it also laid a solid foundation for their future learning and growth at the School.



Dean of SCOM Professor Scarlet Tso delivers a welcome speech and introduces the unique programmes and opportunities offered by SCOM



SCOM teachers and students take a group photo



SCOM teachers and students enjoy a lunch together



Sharing and exchanges between SCOM teachers and students



New students visit SCOM’s facilities



New students posted their expectations about their campus life on the Life Tree