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Academic Programme

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Convergent Media and Communication Technology

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Convergent Media and Communication Technology

The Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Convergent Media and Communication Technology (BA-CMCT) Degree Programme provides students with a quality inter-disciplinary education that offers a unique blend of media theory and practice in association with communication technology, so as to nurture professional and versatile talents to confidently face challenges and opportunities in the age of rapidly developing digital media and communication industries. The increasing convergence of Communication, Computing and Content in the digital media evolution is the driving force that calls for a new generation of capable talents who possess both good technological ability and communication competence.

Based on a well-balanced curriculum, the BA-CMCT programme includes major study areas that cover modules in three key aspects. Students will, namely:

  • Master the basic technologies of interactive media, Internet communications and mobile platforms;
  • Practice a variety of digital media production methods involving sound, TV, video, desktop publishing, web-media and micro-film; and
  • Understand the human communication fundamentals associated with communication theories, intercultural communication, media law and ethics.

Programme Objectives

Work competently with the depth of communication knowledge and technological skills to begin professional practice in media-related industries, and/or to pursue postgraduate studies

Apply a body of relevant inter-disciplinary theories and practices to the development of interactive media and mobile applications

Pursue personal development and excellence with logical and creative thinking to solve a range of problems

Communicate effectively with users of new media at varying levels of technical proficiency in a global context

Reflect critically and ethically on convergent media practices with a strong sense of social responsibility

Possess basic understanding of a broad range of disciplines, encompassing general knowledge, social sciences, business and management

Programme Features

With special emphasis on cultivating students’ ability to work effectively in the evolution of the media convergence environment, the BA-CMCT programme combines several unique features:
  • Technological Ability – mastering the new media technologies so as to strengthen the practice of a variety of digital media production methods.
  • Communication Competency  – having a solid grasp of the human communication fundamentals.
  • Interdisciplinary Training – merging knowledge and skills in information and communication technology (ICT) with journalism and communication.
  • Balanced Development  – possessing multi-disciplinary learning abilities to develop all-round lifelong learning attitude and interests.
  • Storytelling Specialty  – applying new media tools and methods to writing, conveying and sharing of news and information content.
Study AreasNo. of Core Modules
No. of Elective Modules
Total No. of Credits
1. Major Studies54963
2. Common Core Curriculum
i. General Education15621
ii. Languages
– Chinese9-9
– English9-9
iii. Quantitative Methods & IT Skills66
3. Business Education6-6
4. Free Electives-66

Programme Overview


Valuable learning opportunities are provided for students to gain on-the-job training experience through taking “internship” as an elective module in the summer of Year 3, allowing them to apply what they have learnt in classroom and put theory into practice at the workplace of various media and communication organisations. Hence, the employability of students in the job market can be increased with such hands-on experience.

Career Prospects

  1. Through special interdisciplinary training of convergent media and communication technology that combines theory and practice, a wide spectrum of employment opportunities is open to the BA-CMCT graduates.
  2. Report news and topics of interest through online multimedia channels.
  3. Run sound and video recording equipment to produce and mix sounds for various purposes.
  4. Support communication among organisations via the Internet and online mobile platforms.
  5. Plan, design and code web pages to create websites to meet the customers’ requirements.
  6. Coordinate creative projects with effective use of communication tools.
  7. Produce articles, photos and videos with effective writing, editing and graphic design skills.

Career Options

Recommended Elective Studies
BJC3213 Digital Public Relations
CMT3011 Content Management System
CMT3012 Internship
CMT4011 3D Graphics
CMT4012 Micro-film Production

Recommended Elective Studies
CMT3011 Content Management System
CMT3012 Internship
CMT4014 Data Journalism

Recommended Elective Studies
BJC3213 Digital Public Relations
CMT3011 Content Management System
CMT3012 Internship
CMT4011 3D Graphics
CMT4012 Micro-film Production

Recommended Elective Studies
BJC3213 Digital Public Relations
CMT3011 Content Management System
CMT3012 Internship
CMT3014 Online Branding Communication
CMT4012 Micro-film Production

Recommended Elective Studies
BJC3213 Digital Public Relations
CMT3011 Content Management System
CMT3012 Internship
CMT3004 Social Media Communication
CMT4004 Converged Communications

Recommended Elective Studies
BJC3213 Digital Public Relations
CMT3011 Content Management System
CMT3012 Internship
CMT4002 Web-media Production
CMT4011 3D Graphics
CMT4012 Micro-film Production

Recommended Elective Studies
BJC3213 Digital Public Relations
CMT3004 Social Media Communication
CMT3011 Content Management System
CMT3012 Internship
CMT4012 Micro-film Production

Programme Structure (For the Cohort of Admission in 2025-26)​

Based on a unique “Liberal + Professional” education model, the BA (Honours) in Convergent Media and Communication Technology is a 4-year bachelor’s degree programme which requires students to complete a total of 120 credits from a well-balanced curriculum, consisting of Major Studies modules, Common Core modules, Business Education modules and Elective modules.

Business Education
MGT1002 Principles of Management

Common Core Curriculum
CHN1000 Freshmen Chinese
ENG1001 University English (I)
ENG1002 University English (II)
COM1000 Contemporary Information Technologies
GEN1000 Perspectives on General Education
GE Cluster Elective x 1
(List of GE Cluster Elective Modules:

Major Studies
BJC1011 Introduction to Journalism and Communication
CMT1001 Introduction to Multimedia
CMT1002 Introduction to Internet and Programming
CMT1003 Digital Photography
CMT1004 Sound Recording

Business Education
BUS2001 Principles of Marketing


Common Core Curriculum
AMS2340 Introduction to Social Statistics
CHN1002 Chinese Literature Appreciation
CHN2001 Applied Putonghua
ENG2001 English for Academic Purposes
GE Cluster Elective x 1
(List of GE Cluster Elective Modules:


Major Studies
BJC1001 News Reporting and Media Writing in Chinese
BJC2002 Communication Theories
CMT2001 Visual Effects and Animation
CMT2002 Communication Protocols for Multimedia
CMT2003 Digital Videography

Common Core Curriculum
ENG3002 English for Professional Communication
GE Cluster x 2
(List of GE Cluster Elective Modules:

 Major Studies
CMT3001 Interactive Web Service Technology
CMT3002 Mobile Platform Technologies
CMT3003 Desktop Design and Publishing
CMT3004 Social Media Communication
CMT3005 Multichannel Storytelling

Major Electives
Major Elective x1

To be chosen from the list of BA-CMCT major electives below:
CMT3011 Content Management System
CMT3012 Internship
CMT3013 Immersive Communication
CMT3014 Online Branding Communication
CMT4011 3D Graphics
CMT4012 Micro-film Production
CMT4013 Independent Project
CMT4014 Data Journalism
BJC3213 Digital Public Relations

Free Electives
Free Elective x 1

Common Core Curriculum
GE Cluster x 2
(List of GE Cluster Elective Modules:

Major Studies
BJC3002 Media Law and Ethics
CMT4002 Web-media Production
CMT4004 Converged Communications

Major Electives
Major Elective x2

To be chosen from the list of BA-CMCT major electives below:
CMT3011 Content Management System
CMT3012 Internship
CMT3013 Immersive Communication
CMT3014 Online Branding Communication
CMT4011 3D Graphics
CMT4012 Micro-film Production
CMT4013 Independent Project
CMT4014 Data Journalism
BJC3213 Digital Public Relations

Free Elective Module
Free Elective x1

Business Education
BUS2001 Principles of Marketing

Common Core Curriculum
AMS2340 Introduction to Social Statistics
CHN1002 Chinese Literature Appreciation
CHN2001 Applied Putonghua
ENG2001 English for Academic Purposes

Major Studies
BJC1011 Introduction to Journalism and Communication
BJC2002 Communication Theories
CMT1001 Introduction to Multimedia
CMT1002 Introduction to Internet and Programming
CMT1003 Digital Photography
CMT1004 Sound Recording
CMT2001 Visual Effects and Animation

Common Core Curriculum
ENG3002 English for Professional Communication
GE Cluster x 2
(List of GE Cluster Elective Modules:


Major Studies
BJC1001 News Reporting and Media Writing in Chinese
CMT2002 Communication Protocols for Multimedia
CMT2003 Digital Videography
CMT3001 Interactive Web Service Technology
CMT3002 Mobile Platform Technologies
CMT3003 Desktop Design and Publishing
CMT3004 Social Media Communication


Major Electives
Major Elective x1

To be chosen from the list of BA-CMCT major electives below:
CMT3011 Content Management System
CMT3012 Internship
CMT3013 Immersive Communication
CMT3014 Online Branding Communication
CMT4011 3D Graphics
CMT4012 Micro-film Production
CMT4013 Independent Project
CMT4014 Data Journalism
BJC3213 Digital Public Relations

Common Core Curriculum
GE Cluster x 2
(List of GE Cluster Elective Modules:

Major Studies
BJC3002 Media Law and Ethics
CMT3005 Multichannel Storytelling
CMT4002 Web-media Production
CMT4004 Converged Communications


Major Electives
Major Elective x2

To be chosen from the list of BA-CMCT major electives below:
CMT3011 Content Management System
CMT3012 Internship
CMT3013 Immersive Communication
CMT3014 Online Branding Communication
CMT4011 3D Graphics
CMT4012 Micro-film Production
CMT4013 Independent Project
CMT4014 Data Journalism
BJC3213 Digital Public Relations

Business Education
BUS2001 Principles of Marketing

Common Core Curriculum

ENG3002 English for Professional Communication
GE Cluster x 2
 (List of GE Cluster Elective Modules:


Major Studies
BJC1001 News Reporting and Media Writing in Chinese
BJC2002 Communication Theories
CMT2001 Visual Effects and Animation
CMT2003 Digital Videography
CMT3001 Interactive Web Service Technology
CMT3002 Mobile Platform Technologies
CMT3004 Social Media Communication


Major Electives
Major Elective x1

To be chosen from the list of BA-CMCT major electives below:
CMT3011 Content Management System
CMT3012 Internship
CMT3013 Immersive Communication
CMT3014 Online Branding Communication
CMT4011 3D Graphics
CMT4012 Micro-film Production
CMT4013 Independent Project
CMT4014 Data Journalism
BJC3213 Digital Public Relations

Common Core Curriculum
GE Cluster x 2
 (List of GE Cluster Elective Modules:


Major Studies
BJC3002 Media Law and Ethics
CMT3003 Desktop Design and Publishing
CMT3005 Multichannel Storytelling
CMT4002 Web-media Production
CMT4004 Converged Communications


Major Electives
Major Elective x2

To be chosen from the list of BA-CMCT major electives below:
CMT3011 Content Management System
CMT3012 Internship
CMT3013 Immersive Communication
CMT3014 Online Branding Communication
CMT4011 3D Graphics
CMT4012 Micro-film Production
CMT4013 Independent Project
CMT4014 Data Journalism
BJC3213 Digital Public Relations


Free Electives
Free Elective x1

QF Information

QF Information on the Convergent Media and Communication Technology Programme
QF Level: 5
QR Registration No. : 18/000839/L5
Registration Validity Period: 08/11/2018 – 31/08/2027

Admission Application

Applications for entry to Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 are now accepted.

Programme Brochure
