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SCOM Talk Series #52 元宇宙與未來品牌宣傳的關係

SCOM Talk Series #52

Becky Wong, Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of INDEX GAME and INDEX ACADEMY, was invited to have a sharing in “SCOM Talk Series #52” organized by the School of Communication at Hong Kong Hang Seng University, on 1 February 2024. She shared her insights on “Metaverse and the Relationship with Future Brand Promotion” with the teachers and students, exploring the new direction of brand marketing in the digital era. 

Ms. Wong explained the origin of user loyalty and sense of belonging to brands through the concept of decentralization: “The biggest difference between Web3 communities and traditional communities is that brands are no longer controlled by the leaders. There are no pure participants, and every community member has a stake. In many NFT projects, community members can influence the direction of project development through voting, co-creating, and contributing to the community. This co-creation concept greatly enhances user loyalty and sense of belonging to brands.”

Ms. Wong also encouraged students interested in brand marketing and advertising to stay updated with new things, understand the development of new technologies and cultivate a keen market sense.


Dr. Keith Cheung, the moderator of the talk, has a chit-chat session with Ms. Becky Wong.


Ms. Becky Wong explains how the brand marketing strategy is changing nowadays.


Professor Ronald Chiu, Associate Dean of the School of Communication, asks Ms. Becky Wong about the legal regulations of the Metaverse.


Professor Ronald Chiu presents a souvenir to Ms. Becky Wong.


A group photo of Ms. Becky Wong with the teachers and students of the School of Communication.